Jossie suggests "As the Deer Panteth for the Water..." So, we oblige.
Ah...lovely holy moment. Basking in the sweetness.
Then she suggests "Lord Prepare Me." So again...revving up our sweet moment, we're singing as a family..
Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary...pure and holy...tried and true."
Suddenly in the background, my sweet 3-year-old breaks into a round of sorts with her own song, timed just right. You know, like right with the "pure and holy."
She sings her most heartfelt words:
If you wanna be my wover, gotta get wif my fwiends.
For those who may be unaware, yes, that's Spice Girls, and the words are "If you wanna be my LOVER, gotta get with my friends."
Cue the Gasp!! from my mother.
It's from our Just Dance Wii game.
i think that is awesome!!!!
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